Triangular Irregular Network
(TIN) creation
Most of the functionality of Surface Modeling
require a TIN surface to be active. To create one simply select
your data and press the “Create Triangles” button. 

Arc Error is the maximum error when converting arcs to strait line

irregular network editing 

See how it works:
Soft break lines
Single line in the data used to create a TIN
will be considered soft break lines. Its’ segments will be triangle
Hard break lines
Double lines are soft break lines but when
selected with a TIN for the creation of a TC surface or solid will
be used to control the calculation of normal.
Create a TurboCAD surface from a

To create a surface your must have either a set of point and/or
lines selected. Or you must have a triangulation active. The
following dialog allows you to select whether the result is a set
triangles or a triangulated grid.

If you have only point data selected then this
dialog allows you to select an interpolation method. Bivariate
spline is used for all surface modeling interpolation.

Create a TurboCAD solid from a

Create points at a location with
z value interpolated from the TIN 
With a TIN active clicking anywhere on it will
produce a point.
Slope down angle and direction
at any point on TIN 
With a TIN active clicking anywhere on it will
produce the arrow and value.

Flow lines 
With a TIN active clicking anywhere on it will
produce a line starting at that point. The length of the line is
controled in settings.
TIN surface cross-section along
a line 
A TIN must be active.

TIN surface profile along a
Station interval distance
Plan view
Save data to clipboard
Save simple graph to clipboard
Have an atcive TIN and polygon selected.

This is what the Plan View looks like:

Notice that horizontal curves are labeled.
Here is an example of a the graph that goes
onto the clipboard:

Creates contours, major and

Contour lines are
based on the interpolation surface. Levels are labeled with the
“Contour Label” tool.

Divide Range When the “divide range” option is selected the
difference between the maximum and minimum elevation is divided by
the value specified by “Number of levels”.
From Datum When “From Datum” is selected the value of “Datum” will
be a contour level. It need not be in the data range. The default
value of this datum is the average elevation value. Then subsequent
contour levels are above and below the datum the distance you set
in “Interval.”
Segment Length The “segment length” determines the accuracy of the
iteration as well as the number of points of the contour line. As
this number gets small the contour line approaches a continuous
curve. As this value gets large the contours are less accurate but
the process is faster.
Layers Name If this box is not empty then the contours layer will
be set to this value.
Color TIN

Contour labeling 

Image maps – an image colored
based one elevation, aspect, or slope 
Here is an image with contours on top:

Here an image is used to wrap a surface:

A legend:

TIN From Polygon 
Road Surfase
Creates a set of tringles from a polygon used
as a centerline.

Side slopes 
‘Side Slopes’ creates a TIN that extends from
the polygon to the active surface. The slopes are determind by the
angle you set.

From this:

To this:

The angle can’t be zero. The slope of the TIN
extends downward to the surface from parts of the polygon that are
above the surface. The slope of the TIN extends upward to the
surface from parts of the polygon that are below the surface.
Calculates the volume between
two surfaces 

Select the from and to TINs use an elevation.
The volumes above and below the from surface will be computed in
drawing units.
GIS Data import
Data Formats
Binare Interleave Line - *.BIL
Spatial Data Transfer Standard - *.DDF
E00 – *.E00
ESRI Shape Files - .SHP .DBF .SHX
Road corridor creation based
on a center line and cross section template 
This feature was derived from a combonation of
the ”road from center-line” function and the “side slope”

With other tools the cooridore can be embedded
into you TIN surface. Here is how:

Here is a closer look at a cross section
produced for each station.
Road cross sections along a
road center line in plan-view

Each cross section includes:
Cut area
Fill are
Incremental cut volume
Incremental fill volume
Total cut volume
Total fill volume
Mass haul can be saved to a file
Cut Surface with Polygon

Just have a polygon selected.

Cross Section Defaults

Profile Defaults




Import Points
Launch the Import Points application.
Clipboard Access
If text is on the clipboard then this button
will be active. Selecting it will import that text as points.
Join Polygons
If you hav a set of polygons that you want
joined into a single polygon you can use this tool to do it. Just
have the polygon selected and this tool will find the ones that
touch at the ends and join them together into one polygon.
Set Point z Elevation

Have a polygon selected.

Set a value and click ‘Ok’.
Set Polygon Node z Value

Set polygon z automatically
When you select this button all selected text
will be used to set the z values of all selected point and
Filter Data 
Cut out data from a larger set to a different

See movie in “Triangular irregular
network editing” above.
About box 
Horizontal Curves by PI

Horizontal Curve Dialog

Select a row that represents a PI e.g. of type
TANGENT. Then set a radious greater than zero. Finaly select the
‘Add’ button. Or select ‘Add Max’ which will insert the curve of
maximum radius that will fit the foreward an back tangents.
Horizontal Alignments
Horizontal alignments are drawing elements
which are added to the drawing when you select the ‘Save’
The ‘Apply’ button applies changes in text
properties to the alignment in the drawing.
Station labeling
Curve labeling
Tangent Labeling

Printout for construction includes
Layout Button
The ‘Layout Button’ will save the following
data to a file.
station label - in
the form 00+000
station offset -
absolute distance from start of center line
station X Y
bearing from PC
distance to PC
incremental cord
PCPI deflection –
PT bearing
PT distance
PTPI deflection
center x y
bearing from
offset from
an arbitrary center
of curve can be specified

Vertical curves 
Vertical Alignments
These are the charts added to the drawing.

Profile labeling
These inlude: elevation of curve, length of
curve, PVC, PVT, slopes G1 and G2, slope of tangent
Printout for construction
Curve Station Elevation Length
Critical points

The ‘Save’ button will save the horivontal
alignment in the drawing.
The ‘Layout’bButton will save this data to a
Get Data
From here you can download the geo-referenced
image of the window and the data points in a zip file. There are
many base maps to choose from. The dat available depends on you
zoom level.

Zoom to your area and select ‘Get Data’.
Download Data

SRTM x y
coordinate are longitude latitude respectively. To project the x y
of the data use the ‘Project Data’. For more information on
coordinate projections here is a source for information